Join this 24 hour immersive, life changing experience
at Ronald McDonald House Hobart
22-23 August 2024


Welcome to the very first Tasmanian CEO Walk in My Shoes!

Sign up to look forward to a 24-hour immersive experience within a Ronald McDonald House.

We are inviting CEOs, Directors, Board Members, Executives and Senior Management to take part in this exclusive opportunity to experience a day in the life of a family with a seriously ill child staying at Ronald McDonald House Hobart.

Leading up to, during and after this unique event, participants have the opportunity to raise awareness of the work we do at Ronald McDonald House Charities Victoria & Tasmania, and how much of an impact it has on families going through the hardest of times.  

This is your chance to get a glimpse of what it’s like to be in the situation where you need the House: your opportunity to get a taste of what a family goes through when they are given the life-changing news that their child is unwell enough to need specialist care only offered at a hospital in the city, maybe hours from home or even interstate. 

Our House is more than just a place to sleep, and we want to show you what we do! 


Need a feel for the experience? See what CEO Walk in My Shoes 2023 looked like at Ronald McDonald House Parkville