We're fundraising for CEO Walk in My Shoes
Why are we doing this?
Imagine that you’ve just received the worst news possible – your child is seriously ill and you need to relocate your family to receive the lifesaving treatment that your child needs.
You would drop everything, right? But what does that actually mean?
The families that stay at Ronald McDonald House Charities are away from their home, their support system, and everything they know. The House provides them with support to ensure they can concentrate on what is most important: their sick child and family.
Here are just a few things Ronald McDonald House Charities provides to families:
- A House that is open 365 days a year to ensure families have a place to stay at no charge
- Support for sick kids and their families through various programs
- Home-cooked meals
- Continued support to keep families together during this difficult time
Kids should be living life, NOT fighting for it!
We’re asking you to support us in helping Ronald McDonald House Charities Victoria & Tasmania continue providing a warm and supportive home-away-from-home for families of children traveling to the House for treatment.
If it were your child or a loved one’s child, wouldn’t you want to know they had this level of support?
Thank you to my Sponsors

Lee Chadwick

Lee Chadwick
Love it ❤️

Jordan Butler
What a great initiative and opportunity to be apart of. No doubt you'll both represent Amart with flying colours. Look forward to hearing about the experience.

Louise Healey
Well done to you beautiful ladies. Thank you so much for what you are doing for such an amazing Charity 💖

Daniel Hearn
Love this! Well Done

Scott Pears
Well done Dimop.

Lucia Mudge
Good luck ladies ❤️ Such a great cause 🥰

Uriah Porter
Keep up the good work

Nick Ridgway
If ever there were two more capable women than you two, I’d like to meet them . Go for it

Cash sales from Bake Sale!

Audra Turner


Aron Gregg
Great work team 👏🏼

Corina Egan
You go girls!

Renee Rowe
Well done team!

Ashlea Dimopoulos

Christine Ryan
Good luck, great work

Tennelle Wheatley
Bake sale donation


Morgan Blanch

Heather Discombe

Melvin Ebong

Adri-anne Watts

Nicholas Paul

Cameron Molver

Casey Steele

Danica Hastie
Fantastic cause, well done! ❤👏

Mark Beckman
Great Work



Nghi Tran


Stephanie French

Kylie Wise

Daniel Rowland
Great effort team

Shannon Krenek

Gary Draper

Murali Valluri

Kellie Sydlarczuk
Go Team!

Vanessa Smith

Lara Challinor

Sherrin Hopkins


Lisa Goward
Well done!

Garry Soutar

Omar Nuhoglu

Omar Nuhoglu

Jodie Summers

Monique Van Der Zant


Anantharaman Raghuraman


Raz Hassan




Raz Hassan


Stephanie Wynne

